Blue Letter Bible / Ray Stedman / Calvary Chapel Kaneohe

Ray Stedman – Authentic Christianity

Ray Stedman is one of the twentieth century’s foremost pastors and biblical expositors. His message of Authentic Christianity is shaping the lives of individuals and churches worldwide. Ray’s message now reaches across the globe, for the glory of God and the building up of the body of Christ.

Calvary Chapel Kaneohe

About JD Farag

JD Farag was born in Beirut, Lebanon to an Egyptian father and Arab mother. He immigrated to America in 1963. In 1988, JD married his wife, Kellie, in Spokane, WA and later moved to Hawaii where they started their first Bible Study in 2004. As a strong supporter of Israel, JD’s focus is on Bible Prophecy, oftentimes pertaining to the Middle East. In addition to weekly Prophecy Updates, Pastor JD teaches through the bible Sunday mornings and Thursday evenings at his church in Kaneohe, HI. JD and Kellie currently live on the windward side of Oahu with their three children Elias, Levi, and Sabia.